Hey folks! Big update regarding Summoner Names. 

For more information check out our FAQ.

Summoner Names to Riot IDs

We are transitioning our systems away from Summoner Names to using Riot ID as an authoritative way to reference players in League and TFT starting later this year. As such, you will need to make an update to the applicable API. Details for this transition can be found below.

All player-facing front-end fields and forms will require modification. Applications featuring the "Find your Summoner by Region + Name" functionality must adapt to locate summoners using Riot IDs, which are formed by combining the "game name" and "tag line".

For all other Riot API endpoints, filtering by player can be accomplished using either the PUUID or summonerID. Some APIs offer both options, but we recommend employing PUUID endpoints when available.

We recommend no longer using these endpoints (deprecated):

Although deprecated, they can still be used to convert Summoner Names to PUUID or summonerID. However, we discourage using them as part of your application since they will be removed in the future.

Obtaining PUUID and summonerID from RiotID

Obtaining Riot ID from PUUID

For third-party apps, displaying Riot IDs in place of summoner names within frontend fields is now necessary. If you lack a Riot ID for a particular player in your database or wish to keep it up to date, you can acquire it through the following endpoints:

Obtaining Riot ID from summonerID

In cases where you do not possess a PUUID for a player, you can employ the player's summonerID to obtain the PUUID:

Obtaining PUUIDs with the Tournament API:

For tournament providers, we have added a new endpoint to Tournament-V5. This endpoint will allow providers to get the same payload of tournament callbacks and participant PUUIDs:

  • (TOURNAMENT-V5) https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#tournament-v5/GET_getGames - Use the endpoint /lol/tournament/v5/games/by-code/{tournamentCode} to get tournament games with the participants PUUIDs, which are not in the callback. This can also be used to verify the game was recorded and to validate callbacks. If the endpoint returns the game, it means a callback was attempted.

Summoner Names Post Migration

Following this migration, Summoner Names endpoints will remain accessible. However, they will no longer be player-facing. We intend to keep them temporarily to avoid disrupting existing APIs. For summoners created after this transition, they will be assigned a random uuidv4 generated string.

We strongly advise utilizing this deprecation period to refactor your existing applications and remove reliance on the summoner name field. In future releases, we will remove summoner names from the API altogether.

Summoner Name to Riot ID in Riot Account Settings