Social Impact Fund

In 2019 we announced the Riot Games Social Impact Fund to help us level up our ability to make a global impact. Little did we know how much we'd use the Social Impact Fund to distribute aid in the years that followed.
The Social Impact Fund is Riot’s nonprofit engine for our collective efforts for global social impact. In partnership with ImpactAssets, the fund allows players to have a much deeper reach to help more people in a lasting way. The Social Impact Fund is a separate entity from Riot Games that allows us to make direct investments to organizations around the globe that are working to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. Donating to international charities is a complex process and this model allows us to reach nonprofits creating a positive impact everywhere our players live.
By design, the Social Impact Fund can benefit communities around the world. With this structure, we’re able to open nonprofit nominations up to our players, distribute funding to almost any country, and allow us to move quickly when opportunities arise. The majority of funding raised is used for player-selected causes and nonprofits, like the Sentinels of Light initiative, where players had the chance for their nonprofit of choice to be selected to receive a $10k grant from the Social Impact Fund.

In short: This gives Riot, and thus players, an easier, more scalable way to make greater change globally.
Our main goal for the Social Impact Fund is to address deeply systemic issues and behavioral change through our stated priorities: Education, Opportunity, Citizenship, and Sustainability. To do this, we identify unique theories that can make a long-lasting, evidence-based impact in the area they’re trying to support. This approach takes time, research, and project co-development, but we believe it leads to the most impactful results. You can read more about our social impact strategy and philanthropic efforts in our most recent Impact Report.
Since we’re now a multi-game and multi-media company (what a time to be alive!), we want ways to bring the entirety of our community together and share our collective impact. Together with our players we have raised $50M and supported 450 organizations in 28 regions to date. You can find a list of the nonprofits that we recently supported and our current partners here. And we’re just getting started!
Please note that all Social Impact Fund proposed grants, investments, or support are reviewed and approved by an independent third party, ImpactAssets, for appropriateness, perceived self-service, and compliance. In addition, the Riot Games Social Impact Fund does not support the following:
Grants to individuals, or individuals fundraising for organizations through walk-a-thons, streaming fundraisers, contests, etc.
Corporate brand building or recruitment event sponsorships
Employee donation matching (that’s handled directly by Riot)
Donations to political or religious organizations as defined by law
Non-profit organizations that are determined ineligible utilizing the U.S. Internal Revenue Service’s Reliance Standards for Making Good Faith Determinations or Expenditure Responsibility rules and regulations
Any organization that does not comply with our non-discrimination policy (see below)
Non-Discrimination Policy
Riot Games will not support any organization that, in their design or practice, discriminates against individuals or groups on the basis of: race, age, national origin, political affiliation, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or religious beliefs.

The Winners of the 2023 Charity Voting Campaign

Riot Games Social Impact Fund Crosses $50M Raised

Vote For the Cause You Want to Support!

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